Sunday, April 19, 2015

10 Important Tips To Become Rich

10 Important Tips To Become Rich



10 essential tips to become a rich man, for people who are lazy prohibited read these tips.

How to get rich? financially successful person usually has thoughts, words, attitudes and actions of similar characteristics. The things is exactly what actually makes a person becomes rich, the wealth they do not get down from the sky however, such property is the fruit of what they have fought for this. Here are tips to do 10 habits that can make you succeed financially:


1. Habit Networking
Four things are not told by God to man, one of which was the fortune. The day after tomorrow you eat? What do you get? You never know. True right? However, God let people try. Working on it in earnest. Diligent work, enterprising that is the key to be rich. Suppose you live a thousand years.

One can
open endeavor way it is friendship or in business terms you are familiar with the name of networking. Communication is a true human beings, meaning there can not be, must communicate. "People always want to say something," according to Aristotle.

Therefore, man can not live alone. Humans always need other people. Or in the general theory, known as the "man as a social being". In short man has been equipped with a lot of things to always interact with other human beings in order to live a life that is to say, humans lived maximize this natural concepts like how to maximize the egg into a plate of delicious omlet.

2. Build More Habits Early
Tips to be rich is the habit of waking up next. If
You think that the morning was the sound of birds chirping, the sun shone through the window or a cup of coffee, all you would have been the correct answer. But in essence, the morning is the future!

Regardless in what way you fill up early, for example exercise, read the newspaper, work to set the agenda, menyepa neighbors, worship, cleaning the house or just make tea and listen to the song, then wake up in the morning can make you become someone who does not always left behind. Minimal not lagging warm rays of the sun which can make your mood is always fresh.

3. Goal Setting Habit
The aim is sentences that you always write in a notebook, daydream, or dreams before bed. The purpose is not what people know as a success, nor a household yard that looks more green. However, the goal is sesutau make you feel excited to soon reach it, even if you have tried with difficulty.

Soichiro Honda (founder of Honda automotive empire) is a handful of people who are able to achieve goals (dreams) after awinding road. "People see me only 1 Percent success. But, they do not see 99 percent of my failure, says Honda.

4. Habits Innovate
Do not get discouraged, by saying that
You don’t have an advantage at all. All I did was burn bamboo in yard, said Tsai Lun, the inventor of the first paper in the world. Activity-burnt fuel, it drove him to see the powder form of paper, from combustion, which in turn is known to paper instead of leaves to write.

So you do not have to be smart and have a high IQ, the key is on innovation. New things you can get anytime and anywhere, asalakan you dare to step away from the reassuring habit is

Edward Lawrence "Larry" Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of the internet search engines: Google, which can be run from the comfort zone to create innovation. "Everyone will talk about her needs, then what can I do to meet the needs of the people?" Said Page. So Page was answered by Google. My business is actually just digging, found a match of data with one another, said Brin.

5. Pray Habits
Tips to become rich, how to let so rich quick, how to get rich? Ora et Labora, or translation from the Latin word meaning, "pray and work". Prayer and work are two sides that can not be separated. Although success is not guaranteed, of course, is a prayer of hope.

And the person who prays will not feel individualism master himself. Therefore, the concept of prayer is the concept of comradeship. Someone who thinks that their religion was not alone because there is God who always accompanied him.

6. Habit of Doing Something As Fast As Possible
Humans are not machines that will immediately do something once ruled. But remember one thing, delaying means piling work. Pile up, you will be more confused how to solve them.

Business computer speed is, the faster the process in the computer, then the result will be better for all of said William Bill Gates, owner of Microsoft Corp., about his business which always lead the trend of the world computer market.
because according to this business, who quickly he will rule, there is no term delay and late in his dictionary. All race against time.

7. Habit of Doing Introspection
Who Are You? You are what dipikrikan. How do you think determines how you act. How do you act determines how others react to you. If you feel unimportant, then you become unimportant in the eyes of others. There will be noglory in France when Napoleon did not recognize him with truth.

Just know that he is a man of short stature. Napoleon recognize itself through its potential and also deficiencies that must be corrected. When you are what you think, you will understand what is referred to as self-awareness self-awareness

8. Habit On Time
Dilhirkan time since the 13th century has now been 800 years when applicable. Are humans more effective? Or more wasting time? Of course you will feel annoyed when people are waiting to come late. Vice versa.

Every day everyone has an agenda. Surely you do not want to ruin it not? The key to making all your agenda goes well are consequences to what you had planned. The consequences can be started with it on time. Keep anything is the promise, and a promise is a debt. Being on time, you have to be someone who is responsible for what you promised.

9. The habit of charity / alms
Tips to become rich, how to let so rich quick, how to get rich? Reduce what you have, whether it eliminates a form of ownership? Biggest giver whether to be a world's poorest. Hands on the better of the undersigned. What does it mean? When the rich feel indigent, he would be greedy and do not leave part for many people. "Everything in this world, capable members to eat more for everyone. However, the rasp of the poor and the rich who are causing havoc in the world, "said Mahatma Gandhi.

Then if the drug of poverty? The cure is charity. People who reduce some of their wealth to help others even though his brother was never asked for is the money never indigent. It could be that people who like to donate are people who think you are poor, even he is willing to fast a day because he wanted to donate. He is actually the world's richest man.

Remember the adage also Bugis, "resopa temmangingi". Become familiar with the charity you donate because, as though you're planting something good for yourself and your future is being fought. With charity, your good name and family will always be protected by the crowd. When getting trouble, you will always get priority assistance.

10. Habit Submissive
That human knowledge can be limitless, but sometimes narrowed by knowingly and always thought he knew. No one is born and grows then illustrious without the help of others, at least without direction from others. Being submissive can sometimes save while giving an advantage for us. Recall due to stubbornness Hitler ignored the advice of his best generals, Erich Von Manstein? This leads to destruction and many casualties among the fleet of German tanks when fighting fleet of Russian tanks Operation Citadel.

The story of the opposite occurs at the Hilton. On the orders of his parents, as a child he did not feel embarrassed for he always serve guests (foreigners) who inhabit the house. So finally this small business into a huge empire in this century May Be Useful sources read 10 important tips to be successful rich people

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